Focus Year #InclusiveSocieties

SI will focus this year on SDG 16 #InclusiveSocieties for all. We hope that you and your network will join us!

How can you join?


  • Organise activites relating to SDG16 – Inclusive societies during the year. Meaning anything connected to equality, inclusion, peace, integration, rule of law, human rights, sustainability, free media, or participation etc.
  • Be Inspired by SI’s SDG16 toolkit
  • Use the hashtags #inclusivesocieties #countusin #solidarity when posting on social media
  • Follow and tag us on social media – Facebook @sialumni and Instagram @swedenalumni
  • Join SI’s focus month in October – organise something on this theme or join SI’s activities
  • Check with your local Swedish Embassy if they are doing something relating to inclusive societies that your network can join or co-organise