“Images that change the world” meets spring in Zagreb

The exhibition Images that change the world is an exploration of norms. These can be about age, ethnicity, disability, sex and sexual orientation. The exhibition meets spring outdoors at Cvjetni trg, the centrally located square in Zagreb.
An old man sits in a open space, a square ,and looks at an image showing a bare-breasted dad holding a naked infantnext to him.

Although norms are cultural, we hope that this exhibition will open exploration of local norms, says Project Manager at the SI, Sylvia Augustinsson.

Since a picture says more than a thousand words, it is understandable that communication is important. Communication can tickle our imagination when it comes to what we can do and who we can become. It will have the power to change confining structures and help make society more open and inclusive.

The embassy was in good time to meet the spring and has now plans for next showing in Split. We asked Mirna Juric at the Swedish Embassy in Zagreb about what reactions the exhibition has caused since the content could be little provocative.

We have seen some negative comments in socail media, but generally the response from people is positive, she answered, and added:

– It has generated a lot of media articles, several radio announcements and one TV media clip. Fortunately, the media communication was positive and proactive. It feels like a good result. It’s wonderful if we can start discussions and get reactions on inclusion.


Project Manager

Sylvia Augustinsson