Celebrating first graduates of the SI Mentorship Programme for Global Professionals

The Swedish Institute is now wrapping up its online mentorship programme as part of the activities of the SI Alumni Academy and the SI Network for Global Professionals. The first batch of 22 SI mentors has now completed the SI Mentorship Programme for Global Professionals.
Woman on a balcony

With a selection process that spanned the globe, SI received almost 600 applications from SI and Sweden alumni. We are thrilled to announce that 22 exceptional mentors are graduating. The graduating mentors are a mix of Sweden alumni and alumni from six different SI programmes including SI Leader Lab, She Entrepreneurs, SI Scholarship holders, Swedish Institute Management Programme (SIMP), Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP), and Young Connectors of the Future (YCF).

Since May 2024, the selected mentors have participated in online training modules aimed at enhancing essential skills and tools related to mentoring and coaching. These include Motivational Interviewing, Sense of Coherence, Psychological Safety, Active Listening, The Big Five Personality Traits and Reflective Meditation. The theoretical training was followed by a practical mentorship module where alumni were paired with current SI scholarship holders seeking mentorship.

Additionally, the training and practical mentorship have provided SI alumni mentors with an expanded international network of professional and personal contacts.

We asked Anika Tizliarishvili, SI Leader Lab alumni and SI Mentor about her experience.

– This mentorship experience has been incredibly rewarding. I’ve gained a deeper appreciation for the power of active listening and the importance of providing practical tools rather than simply offering advice. I’ve developed a stronger ability to remain focused and confident in my role as a mentor.