Contact us

Would you like to get in touch with us? Here you will find our contact information, billing address and press contacts.
Visiting address

Svenska institutet
Virkesvägen 2
120 30 Stockholm

Telephone and other

Telephone: 08-453 78 00
Telefax: 08-20 72 48
VAT: SE202100496101 202100-4961

En person tittar på mobilen.
Photo: Simon Paulin/
Press and media
To get in touch with our press officers and to download press photos, please visit this page.
Press contacts
Digital meetings
Digital meetings Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck/
Current public procurements
The Swedish Institute is a government agency and purchases goods or services in accordance with special rules and requirements. All SI’s procurements are advertised on the electronic procurement platform Visma Tendsign.
Visit Visma Tendsign for our current public procurements