The SAFER coalition project aims to implement five alcohol policy measures recommended by WHO, to reduce alcohol related problems in the Baltic Sea region.
Europe is the heaviest alcohol consuming region in the world, and the Baltic countries rank the highest. The project stresses that harmful use of alcohol hinders socio-economic development, social inclusion, mental health and well-being. Another motive for the project is the cross-border character of alcohol related problems. Estonia and Lithuania have already introduced the WHO recommendations, while neighboring countries have not. There is a need for the countries in the Baltic Sea region to create a common understanding of alcohol related problems and to implement solutions across the Baltic Sea region.
The project aims to connect civil society with decision makers in a joint transnational alcohol policy initiative, based on SAFER, which is a new WHO-led initiative and technical package to tackle alcohol related harm. The initiative focuses on cost-effective interventions. Some of the planned activities are meetings, studies, creation of an online platform, meeting with parliamentarians, showcase of advocacy activities and initiatives in the Nordic-Baltic countries. The project also plans to launch a communications campaign about the real harm of alcohol (alcohol and cancer).