The DS-B APP project focuses on the preparedness for larger maritime incidents in the Baltic Sea region.
When an accident occurs at sea, response must be quick and effective and in order to save lives countries are often required to work together. In the Baltic Sea region the preparedness for maritime emergencies is underdeveloped. There is especially a lack of international coordination of emergencies services. The DS-B APP project wants to increase the capacity to handle larger maritime incidents in the Baltic Sea region.
The project will establish a transnational network of emergency services within the Baltic Sea region. The plan is to identify all professional divers employed by public organizations in each country. These competences and resources will be collected in a database, which will be available for all partners and emergency services in the region. The purpose is to make the information, which is needed for coordination in the event of larger maritime incidents, more accessible. The network will also create emergency mobilization plans and international guidelines for maritime accidents. Regular training and exercise for divers are also planned. As part of the project, the partners also cooperate with organisations in other countries not mentioned above.