SI and Sweden alumni networks provide platforms for alumni around the world to connect around their common experience of Sweden and come together focusing on the common goal: contributing to a fair and sustainable future. All alumni networks operate according to the core values: democracy, transparency and inclusiveness.
When an SI or Sweden alumni network fulfills the basic requirements, which includes having a democratically elected board and having a member base of at least 25 people, the networks can get certified by the Swedish Institute. Certified alumni network can apply for financial support from the Swedish Institute to organise activities focusing on the UN Global Sustainable Development Goals or Swedish Culture. Certified networks also get access to the SI Alumni Toolkits and the board members are offered to take part in courses and workshops organised by SI.
The number of alumni networks have grown a lot over the last years! This year, the Swedish Institute certified 47 networks in 37 countries and regions, a big increase in comparison to the 18 networks that were certified just a couple of years ago. These networks together have around 7,000 members who together make up a global community of sustainability and Sweden ambassadors.
During 2021 the alumni networks together organised around 100 activities both online and in person focusing on a number of SDGs such as waste management, biodiversity, gender equality, democracy and business networking. During 2022 all alumni network are encouraged to organise activities relating to SDG Goal 16 focusing on fair and inclusive societies and we are looking forward to supporting the local alumni networks in their important work!