With the SDG 5 goal of achieving gender equality and women’s participation in building a society where they are safe, healthy and have the power to decide their future, the project Vijana Tuseme (Youth Speak Up!) will address SRHR, harmful practices, GBV and teenage pregnancies, using media, drama, music and dance. Lessons learnt from the pilot is bringing aboard young men in striving for equality and equip both girls and boys with norm-breaking capacities and empowerment needed to speak up for change. We are educating 40 Youth mentors to lead and support others, aiming to reach 1200 youths. A key factor is engaging stakeholders at community level, opinion-makers, local leaders and parents.
Vijana Tuseme – Youth for Gender Equality
Project information
Amount granted:
1000000 kr
Reference no:
Grant recipient:
Pendo Amani Youth Organization