Zambia – Plogging keep Lusaka clean, green and healthy

Sweden Alumni Network in Zambia (SANZ) is organising a plogging event in Lusaka to raise awareness about plastic pollution in Chawama township. The activity is part of SI's campaign #PlasticFreeWeekSI.
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Sweden Alumni Network in Zambia (SANZ) is organising a plogging event in Lusaka to raise awareness about plastic pollution in Chawama township. The aim of the activity is to bring key stakeholders and the wider public to begin a very difficult but important discussion on how we can keep our cities clean.

Plogging is an effective way of reducing plastic pollution in Chawama township, while promoting a cleaner environment, raising awareness about the negative effects of plastic pollution, and encouraging community involvement in waste management.

Tentative programme:
Activity 1 – Community mobilization – 08:00hrs.
Activity 2 – Main plogging event – 09:00 hrs.
Activity 3 – School Arena – 11:00hrs.
Activity 4 – Closing Remarks by Swedish Ambassador – 12:00hrs.

Organiser: Sweden Alumni Network Zambia
Venue: Chawama township, Lusaka, Zambia
Open to: Everyone
Registration: Link to come
Contact person: Yunike Phiri [email protected]