The project aims to establish an educational platform offering academic forest management courses to forest owners and professionals, fostering a mutual exchange between participating countries.
The Baltic Sea is surrounded by countries with forests providing ecosystem services like wood, clean air, and biodiversity. These forests play a crucial role in achieving national, EU, and UN environmental goals. A significant part of the forests is owned and managed by private forest owners. Despite the complex interplay between social, ecological and economic factors, academic education for forest owners has been lacking.
Some of the project partners have cooperated in a previous project. Drawing from the jointly developed educational flexible learning infrastructure in Latvia and Sweden along with insights from the previous observing partner countries Estonia and Lithuania, a well-founded base can be used to take the established courses one step further. It also enables a broader outreach to a larger proportion of forest owners. The educational infrastructure and courses will provide insighst into ways of managing forests from ecological, economical and social aspects.