
The Swedish Institute is a public agency with a staff of approximately 140 employees with offices in Stockholm and Paris. SI is headed by a Director-General, who oversees four departments, each with special competences for different areas of operation.


Madeleine Sjöstedt is Director-General of the Swedish Institute and also chair of the board that on behalf of the Swedish public has insight into the work of the agency.

Department for Sweden communication and promotion 

Director: Anna Rudels

Department for international relations  

Director: Kurt Bratteby

Department for business operations

Director: Monika Wirkkala

Institut suédois – Swedish Institute Paris

Director: Sara Arrhenius

Organizational chart of the Swedish Institute. At the top is the Director-General, with the Office of the Director-General directly connected. Below are four main departments: Dept. for Sweden communication and promotion Culture, communication and language Global communication Image of Sweden analysis Talent attraction and export promotion Dept. for international relations Project funding Scholarships and leadership programmes Dept. for business operations Financial management HR and service Information management and digital governance Institut suédois / Swedish Institute Paris Each department and sub-section is represented in light blue boxes under their respective headings. The chart uses clean lines to indicate hierarchical relationships.

Advisory Council

To ensure public transparency in the operations, there is a transparency council appointed by the government. Madeleine Sjöstedt is chairman of the transparency council, which meets four times a year. SI now has a new transparency council from July 1, 2023–July 1, 2026.

Members of the Advisory Council:
Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth, Former Member of Parliament
Alexandra Völker, Member of Parliament
Martin Kragh, Head of Programme the Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Annika Levin, Former Cultural Attaché, France
Ahmed Abdirahman, Director Järvaveckan
Christian Ihre, Co-founder Lynxeye
Aurore Belfrage, tech-investor, geopolitical advisor