Local Alumni Networks

Sweden alumni are running local networks all over the world with the purpose of working for sustainable development and to spread information and knowledge about Sweden. On this page you can find all you need to know to join a local alumni network!
Certified alumni networks
Alumni network members

You find the list of local SI and Sweden alumni networks with contact details below. Start your involvement by reaching out to them! Note that there are two types of networks: SI networks and Sweden alumni networks. SI networks are open to former Swedish Institute scholarship holders and/or participants in SI’s leadership programmes. Sweden alumni networks are open to anyone who studied in Sweden.

SI Alumni Networks are local alumni networks exclusive to Swedish Institute alumni. You are an SI alumnus/alumna if you have:

  • Received a scholarship from the Swedish Institute for studies in Sweden
  • Participated in a Swedish Institute Leadership Programme
  • Participated in summer courses financed by the Swedish Institute

Is there no alumni network in your country or do you have trouble getting in contact with your local network? Contact us at [email protected] and we are happy to support you in the process.

List of SI and Sweden Alumni Networks