Peru – Plastic Free Week Challenge, Eco Fika and Sustainable Intervention

Join Sweden Alumni Network Peru for a Plastic Free Week Challenge, a sustainable intervention and an ecofika/workshop in Lima, Peru.

Sweden Alumni Network Peru invites you to join Plastic Free Week will be held 18-23 September. It  will include four different activities:

  • Plastic free challenge: During one week, alumni members will share photos and videos on social media about their plastic free lifestyle.
  • Sustainable intervention: We will have an intervention in local markets to raise awareness about the use of plastic in vendors and customers.
  • Ecofika/workshop: We will organize an Ecofika with network members and community members and hold a presentation about sustainable practices in daily life.

Organiser: Sweden Alumni Network Peru
Venue: Plastic Free Week challenge: online. Sustainable intervention: markets in Magdalena. Ecofika/worshop: Miraflores
Open to: Everyone
Registration: Link to come
Contact person: Magaly Anton: [email protected]