This activty is organised by Sweden Alumni Network Georgia and is open to Sweden alumni.
The project consists of 2 activities: Workshop – Professional Development Forum and media talk-show oriented on new standards for representatives of legal professions as a consequence of Association Agreement with EU and future perspectives of EU integration process.
As after signing EU Association Agreement professional standards are in process of harmonization with EU, and for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Swedish models are implemented, this event would play a role of integrator for different professional associations, high education institutions, state institutions and Sweden Alumni Network would play a role of moderator in this process.
The event enables us to represent high number of alumnus as majority represents legal professions or educational sector and have direct interest to participate as a speaker.
The workshop part would be organized in cooperation with institutions such as:
* LEPL High School of Justice
* LEPL Georgian Bar Association
* LEPL Mediators Association in Georgia
* NGO Legal Professions’ Development Center
* NGO Georgian Arbitrators Association
* International Black Sea University
* Tbilisi State University
* Georgian National University
* Trainers Association Georgia
* and some more high education institutions and private law companies
The media part would be a separate volume of talk-show Business and Law devoted to the event to represent activities of the network and this particular event.
The workshop part is a one-day event with participation of alumni and partner institutions.
Discussion would enable us to generalize existing reality and facing challenges, as well as to exchange needs and expectations between professional platforms and educational institutions and high-light role of Sweden Alumni Network Georgia in this process.
Venue: Sheraton Metechi Palace
Contact: [email protected]