Nepal: Sweden Alumni Meet-up: Experience Sharing and Planning

This activity is organised by the Sweden Alumni Network Nepal and is open to SI and Sweden Alumni.

After the recent networking event with the ambassador, we at SANN have come to realize that there are several other SI and Sweden Alumni that we have not yet recognized, met and included under the alumni network. We met some new alumni during the last event and some of them shared that they know other alumni who they can bring together at SANN. As such, to ensure that the network grows in terms of members, size and work area, we aspire to do a networking and planning event next.

The activity will be a planning, networking and learning event for the Sweden Alumni members. Sweden Alumni Network Nepal is at its inception phase and the network has not yet had a chance to bring together and meet and greet its own members. Sweden Alumni Network Nepal has diverse members from people working in the I/NGO sector, researchers, architects, engineers, lawyers, public health professionals and entrepreneurs. So, at its inception phase, it is strategically significant to bring together Sweden Alumni in Nepal, introduce the network, and discuss possible activities that the Network can organize so that diverse members of the network are kept in mind while organizing future activities and way forward for the network. As such, this event will also act as an important avenue where we decide on our future activities.

Further, the event intends to bring an expert on SDGs particularly on SDG 16 to enlighten on the importance of SDG 16 and how it contributes to achieving other SDGs. Since the alumni are already engaged in different organizations and are supporting SDGs, the event aims to provide an opportunity for the network members to share their work regarding how they are contributing to SDGs in the context of Nepal.

Expected Outcomes
1. Addition of members to the Sweden Alumni Network Nepal
2. Networking – knowing how each alumnus is connected with and is contributing to SDG
3. Planning for the future in terms of future events as well as the future of SANN as a network

Venue: To be decided
Contact: [email protected]