NFGL local network event: Public lecture on the false economics of Sweden’s “refugee crisis”

The Swedish Institute Network for Future Global Leaders at Linkoping University invites all the students and community for its first event of the Semester, the public lecture The False Economics of Swede's "Refugee Crisis", by professor Peo Hansen.

The political establishment and research community are in basic agreement that refugees make up net cost for the receiving society. This lecture challenges this consensus. It shows that the “cost view” is built on a false and fundamentally misleading premise concerning government spending, one linked to the ideology of “sound finance” that currently buttresses Sweden’s and the EU’s fiscal rules and framework. To demonstrate the fallacy of sound finance, the lecture uses empirical evidence from Sweden and the real consequences of its massive refugee spending 2015–2017.

When? December 16th, 15:15.

Where? LIU Campus Norrkoping, Tappan building, room 54 (TP54)

Read more and sign up for the event on Facebook

For more information

Gabriela Martini

[email protected]