NFGL Local Network Event: study tour at SYSAV

We are happy to invite you on the study tour at SYSAV in Malmo. Sysav receives, recycles and processes waste from households and industries in southern Skåne. Their vision is to help create the world's most sustainable region for this and future generations. 

The day will be comprised of study tour and a lecture given by company representative.

In 2017 company has received 841 400 tonnes of waste. Of the sorted waste, 97.2 percent was recovered as material and energy. Energy recovery enables company to supply up to 60 percent of district heating in Malmö and Burlöv.

Are you interested in Sustainable Waste management and energy use? Then Join us for the study tour at the event.

Event organiser: SI NFGL LUND

Register for the event here. 

Nino Berishvili

[email protected]