Woodlife Sweden at Archtober | Wood construction in focus – modular building, and innovation as motor for regional development. Digital round table discussion co-hosted by Swedish Wood

The wood construction industry is undergoing a vast development right now, with climate issues as its main driving force
Construction site of Sara Kulturhus

We all need to look at networks and existing buildings as resources, and a natural part of making a sustainable future happen.

The newly inaugurated Sara Kulturhus stands as an example, and a generator for development of wood-construction, local industry, and culture as catalyst for urban development.
The Sara Cultural centre contains theatres, a public library, art centers and several meeting places, as well as a hotel. The innovative construction techniques in combination with modular wood-building makes it a model for what can be made possible when limits are pushed, in close collaboration between knowhow, creative courage and strong models for implementation.

It is placed at the centre of SkellefteĂĄ, a Northern small town, rapidly adapting to new ways of developing, all centered around the implementation of its Wood Strategy.

A wind-turbine-tower in wood might sound to good to be true, but is becoming reality on large-scale, through the development by Modvion – a company based on the west-coast of Sweden. A prototype of 30m height has already been installed on the island of Björkö, and larger installations, of about 150 m height, are under current development, inland.

With design and architecture at its core, collaborations, knowledge sharing and courage drives innovation and become resources for developing a climate-neutral building sector, where wood is a vital renewable material.

Presented by: Swedish Wood

Ivan Rupnik, Architect, Founding Partner at ModX, assoc. Professor at Northeastern University, faculty of Architecture, Boston, USA.
Therese Kriesel, Architect SAR/MSA, Head of Urban planning, SkellefteĂĄ
Oskar Norelius / Robert Schmitz, Architect SAR/MSA, Lead architect, Partner, White arkitekter
Alexander Landborn, Structural engineer, Resp. Sustainability, Architecture and Climate strategy / Link Arkitektur
David Olivegren, Co-Founder and production manager, Modvion, Göteborg

Moderator: Susanne Rudenstam, CEO Swedish wood building council.

Link to the seminar: https://svenskainstitutet.zoom.us/j/88917208487

Woodlife Sweden at Archtober is presented by the Swedish Design Movement and arranged by the Swedish Institute, Architects Sweden, and the Consulate General of Sweden in New York in collaboration with Swedish Wood, Swedish Forest Industries, Arvet and White

Oskar Röhlander