The Swedish Institute is pleased to announce the possibility for groups of SI and Sweden alumni to apply for financial support to attend or arrange workshops, trainings, courses, seminars or conferences of your choice.
The purpose is strengthening the capacity, knowledge and skill set of SI and Sweden alumni. Priority will be given to groups of alumni from certified SI and Sweden alumni networks – but other groups of alumni are welcome to apply.
How it works
As a group of alumni, you identify a thematic area or subject that you want to strengthen your capacity in or know more about. An open call process should take place within the alumni network to identify needs and participants.
An organising team of 3-5 alumni is in charge of the application to SI. Next, you find a supplier that matches the identified needs of the alumni group and decide if you would like to attend an already existing initiative or arrange your own. It could be for a workshop, a training course, a seminar, a conference, a workshop leader, a trainer, a guest lecturer or study visit to companies or organisations of your choice.
The following areas will have priority:
- Green technology and/or Energy efficiency
- Professional development/or Leadership
- Human Rights & Democracy/Good Governance
- Innovation and/or Entrepreneurship
- Sustainable development (sustainability)
- Civil Society
The capacity boost could be held physically or online and the group of alumni attending should not be less than 10 alumni. Find some examples of previously granted initiatives further down on this page.
Guidelines in brief:
- Apply for support to attend or arrange a capacity building initiative for an alumni group
- Application period: 3 February – 28 February 2025
- A maximum grant of SEK 25,000 can be applied for
- Minimum of 10 SI or Sweden alumni to take part – the more the better!
- Workshops or training supported within this call must take place between 20 March and 1 August 2025.
Before creating an application
Make sure to read through what can be included in the application as well as all the requirements for the supplier. Read more here.
Selection of successful applications
This is an open call process and SI will not be able to grant all. Therefore, do not make any final/binding bookings until your application have been granted by SI.
SI will make the selection based on the thematic focus, region, feasibility, relevance, supplier as well as your process, motivation and description in the application form.
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].
How to apply?
Complete the application form that will be accessible here on 3 February 2025.
Deadline to apply is 28 February 2025 14:00 CEST (UTC+2)
It is important that you read through the above instructions before filling in the application form. Incomplete applications will be disregarded.