Thematic options for SI Ukraine Cooperation Programme 2025

List of thematic options for applications with deadline 7 May 2025.

The SI Ukraine Cooperation Programme offers the opportunity for Swedish actors and their
partners in Ukraine to apply for funding to jointly implement projects aimed at supporting
Ukraine’s reconstruction and reform efforts for EU integration. In the application call with deadline 7 May 2025 the following thematic options will be available.

It is mandatory first to choose one of the thematic options. Applicants are then free to describe the related challenge and/or opportunity they want to address with their project. The examples given under each thematic option should therefore only be regarded as suggestions.

Areas related to inclusive economic development, enterprise, and trade

  • Private sector development
    E.g. strengthened conditions for entrepreneurship and SMEs, development of the innovation ecosystem and its various actors and fostering the development of creative industries.
  • Employment and job-creation
    E.g. job-creation, re-skilling, improved labour market and public employment services, decent working conditions, activities targeting talent retention and mitigation of brain drain, sustainable job market integration for internally displaced persons (IDPs), women and people with disabilities.
  • Strengthened conditions for trade
    E.g. activities related to improved EU-market access, adaptation to EU and international standards, or strengthened value chains.
  • Transparency and anti-corruption in the private sector
    E.g. activities related to policy and legislation, whistleblower protection, information access, ethics and integrity training.

Areas related to human rights, democracy, the rule of law, and gender equality 

  • Strengthened democratic institutions and public administration
    E.g. efficient public administration at national and local level incl. local self-governance, rule of law, accountability, inclusive participation, good governance, and role of the civil servant. 
  • Free and independent media
    E.g. capacity development of free and independent media, improved access to public information, countering disinformation, business/funding models.
  • Civil society development
    E.g. CSO-capacity building within advocacy and civic engagement, watch dog and service provision. Activities that contribute to better working conditions and sustainability of CSOs.
  •  Human rights
    E.g. strengthened participation, non-discrimination, accountability and transparency, and the rights of marginalized groups, for example LGBTIQ+, minorities or people with disabilities. Activities to support human rights defenders, documentation of violation of human rights/war crimes.
  • Strengthened cultural institutions and cultural heritage
    E.g. capacity building of cultural institutions and organisations, immaterial cultural heritage.
  •  Gender equality
    E.g. women’s economic empowerment and political participation, access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, and women, peace and security.