”I want to use my experience in tech to help alleviate the vast disparities that exist in developing countries”

Lutho Madala graduated from Strategic information Systems Management at Stockholm University in 2023. We met with her to ask five questions about her experience and the future that lies ahead.
Image of smiling Lutho on a sunny day, standing in front of a building with roman columns

How come you decided to study in Sweden?

– Sweden is one of the world’s leading countries in innovation and technological advancements. Stockholm University, where I am enrolled, has several alumni who have gone on to found unicorn start-ups such as Instabox and Kry. The University provides its students with resources and tools to support them in developing their innovations and the University’s history of excellence and innovation attracted me to my specific program.

What was your motivation to apply for the SI Scholarship for Global Professionals?

– What intrigued me about the SI scholarship was its strong and genuine focus on developing future global leaders that will contribute to sustainable development. It was vital for me to find a scholarship that aligned with my purpose. Although my purpose has evolved over the years, what has remained consistent is that I want to use my experience and skills in technology to help alleviate the vast disparities that exist in developing countries. The SI Scholarship was the ideal opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge to become a change-maker in my country.

Has your study experience been as you’ve imagined?

– Yes, it has surpassed my expectations. I appreciate the Swedish education system as it focuses on innovation and application. You are taught to think independently and creatively. The emphasis is not just on grades but your ability to apply and demonstrate your knowledge and learning.

How do you imagine impacting your country with your learning from your time in Sweden?

– With my learning, I aim to create systems and develop solutions that will improve the delivery of essential services to the most vulnerable people in South Africa. Information systems bring together people, systems, and processes. The absence of basic Information systems amplifies disparities in societies. Affording people equal access to technology has the potential to improve the quality of life for many.

What is your advice for those who are interested in the SI Scholarship?

– You must know why you want to study abroad and what impact you want to make with your qualification—although exciting and fun, moving to a new country has its challenges. During the lows, what will keep you motivated is your “why.” Ensure that you are aware of your specific “why,” as it will carry you through the challenging times and help keep you focused. Also start the application process as soon as possible. It is a straightforward application process but requires attention and time. Make sure you use resources such as the “Study in Sweden” website, which will give you all the information you need to complete your application and provide you with preparation tips for your study abroad experience.

Learn more about the SI Scholarship for Global Professionals.

A fully-financed scholarships for master’s studies in Sweden. A unique opportunity to develop professionally and academically, experience Swedish society and culture, and build a long-lasting relationship with Sweden and other global professionals. Read more about the scholarship and eligibility criteria here.