ā€œI was inspired by the way Swedish businesses work together to face the sustainability challengeā€

We met with Marmelia Dewi, a business manager at PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy in Indonesia. She participated in one of SIā€™s leadership programmes for business leaders and shares what that experience has given her.
Profile picture of Marmelia Dewi SI Management Programme Asia participant

Hello Marmelia, please tell us about yourself:

– I work for a companyĀ that extracts geothermal energy in Indonesia. I operate several projects and Iā€™m in charge of making sure the strategic planning of the core operations come to life.

What made you realise that you wanted to work with sustainability in your business and daily operations?

– Before this career, I was working with a gas company. After many years of working abroad I returned to Indonesia and my hometown, it was one of those times that I realised how badly pollution had become, a huge problem, and that the impact could really be felt by my kids, my niece, and nephews. At some point I had an awakening that pushed me to think of what I was leaving behind for the coming generations and for my family, thatā€™s when I chose to change my career and turn into a business committed to sustainability.

During the SI Leadership Programme – SI Management Programme Asia, participants visited Sweden for a week. Name one take-away from your experience visiting Swedish businesses and learning about implementing sustainability.

– During my visit to Sweden, I was inspired by the way companies operating in similar fields cooperate although they might be competition. In many Asian countries this is not a reality, the focus is rather on how to survive the market than collaborate and face a joint challenge. I was really inspired to see how Swedish businesses and organisations work together to face the sustainability challenge.

Tell us a about the network of business leaders that youā€™ve met throughout the program.

– The network I created during my leadership programme is something I feel Iā€™ll keep forever. I was able to learn from each and every one although we might be from different sectors, different generations, and countries. There is something great about the network that has been built.

Would you recommend SIā€™s leadership programmes for other business leaders?

– This opportunity is suitable for anyone who want to change the landscape of their country and who wants to improve their business. Iā€™ve travelled and worked in many multinational companies, I have exposure to a very international environment, but this programme was really a once in a lifetime opportunity. Anyone should try to be a part of it, itā€™s not always easy but itā€™s really worth it.


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