Here is what you need to know:
- The SI Mentorship Programme for Global Professionals consists of four online training modules designed to improve essential mentoring and coaching skills for instance psychological safety and motivational interviewing.
- Following this, alumni will engage in practical mentorship through the mentoring of a SI scholarship holder currently studying in Sweden.
With a selection process that spanned the globe, SI received an overwhelming response of almost 600 applications from SI and Sweden alumni. After careful consideration, we are proud to announce that we have selected 23 exceptional candidates from 18 different countries across the world. The participants are a mix of alumni from six different SI programmes including SI Leader Lab, She Entrepreneurs, SI Scholarship holders, Swedish Institute Management Programme (SIMP), Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) and Young Connectors of the Future (YCF). This diverse and talented group showcases the true global impact and reach of the alumni network.
The programme started last week with a kick-off (27 March 2024) and the first module begins in mid-April.
Selected programme participant and former SI Scholarship holder, Leen Abu Lail, from Jordan shares her expectations of the programme:
– I am looking forward to learning about my weaknesses and strengths. To work on my weaknesses and to develop and build on my strengths in order to become a better mentor, both in my career and personal life.