The hackathon focused on five challenges: a smarter labour market, a better city for health, mobility of tomorrow, a new place for cultural life, be a smart neighbor. During a live closing session the following winners were presented:
To decrease the use of plastics Refillistic acts as the middle agent of liquid products. Consumers can purchase various liquid (detergent, soap, etc..) from our refilling machines in their common laundry rooms (In Sweden) or other common areas (in Nordics countries, Europe and World) and refill their empty bottles more than one time.
The Jury’s motivation:
“With a smart idea and sustainable solution designed to solve a real problem, Refellistic aims to change the consumers behavior in using plastics and help save the environment, all at the same time. “Because giving is winning!”
TheHeroLoop is an ecosystem built on intelligent and secure matching of need (Looper) with help (Hero) in our world’s communities. All of our tasks are local, encouraging people to reach out and do good deeds and engage in good actions.
The Jury’s motivation:
TheHeroLoop impressed us by a well thought through concept – approaching many aspects of community and loneliness. They differentiated from similar attempts by presenting a relevant and sustainable business model, and by building on a fundament they already have – the realizability is deemed high.
We are solving the problem of lack of accessibility and shared cultural events for the citizens in both urban and rural areas on a national and cross-border level, in the Nordic countries.
The Jury’s motivation:
SAVA takes a lot of what is already great about the culture in our Nordic countries and make it more accessible in a smarter way to everyone. Their solution is beneficial to citizens both during a pandemic and after.
The winning proposals will be reviewed by the partners of the Hackathon with the prospect of development, financing and realization.
Learn more about the winners on the Nordic SMart City Hack website
See the recording of the closing ceremony below: