The AIB project is working with integration through culture via a new network of cities in the Baltic Sea region.
The International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN) offers shelter for persecuted writers and artists seeking safety from governments and political oppression. Several cities in the Baltic Sea region are members of this network, but the interaction between the cities is limited due to insufficient resources. Many of them have no experience of integration through culture.
The idea of the project is to establish a new network, consisting of ICORN members, with focus on the activities of persecuted writers and artists. The goal is to inspire other cities in the Baltic Sea region to use culture as a means to integrate migrants and refugees. As a result of this new network, the project hopes that the number of safe havens for migrant and refugee artists and writers will expand, not only in the Baltic Sea region but also in the EU’s Eastern Partnership countries. The project will provide mentoring and set up workshops. It will also arrange an international conference and network meetings.