CliMaLoc is about efforts to deal with climate change in the Baltic Sea region.
Scientists predict severe impacts of climate change to the Baltic Sea region. CliMaLoc stresses that these impacts will have strong repercussions on land and marine ecosystems, as well as local economies. In view of this, there is a need for coordinated mitigation and actions at all levels of governance. CliMaLoc suggests that all measures should mainstream climate and sustainability into national and local policies, plans and budgets. It also notes that this is generally not the case. CliMaLoc stresses that there is a gap between global and national climate policies, and local instruments for implementation. Moreover, it notes that countries in the Baltic Sea region are at different stages of climate mainstreaming.
The CliMaLoc project wants to engage local actors in the Baltic Sea region. The idea is to provide support and exchange of good practices for local authorities in the Baltic Sea region. The project aims to facilitate for local authorities to mainstream climate into local development plans. CliMaLoc finds that they have a good capacity to reach a substantial number of relevant actors in the Baltic Sea region and aim to expand an existing climate network in the region. The activities include webinars and seminars to exchange experiences and good practices. Also, CliMaLoc plans to publish a handbook for climate mainstreaming, with guidelines and recommendations for municipalities in the Baltic Sea region.