
The CyberEDU project is about cybersecurity for academic institutions in the Baltic Sea region. It will focus on the education for cybersecurity professionals.

While cyberspace is constantly growing and becoming more and more complex, cybersecurity is lagging behind. This project suggests that cybersecurity graduates are not well prepared to cope with and protect critical national infrastructure. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare future professionals with skills to deal with threats in cyberspace. CyberEDU argues that collaborations across the borders are crucial to acquire new knowledge. Previous projects have mostly been based on bilateral and short-term contacts. This project will establish a broader community for professionals and educators, in the Baltic Sea region and in the Eastern Partnership, in order to increase the level of internationalization. The project will explore the current state of cybersecurity education and the curriculum at higher education institutions, and also the industry’s needs. Moreover, it will create and run an online course on “cybersecurity of critical infrastructure”. A general goal is to enhance cybersecurity education in the partner countries in order to meet the needs of scholars, students and industry.