The E-SET project focuses on e-learning at universities in the Baltic Sea region. The idea is to prepare module-based e-learning courses and strengthen the contacts between universities in the region.
The internet is a source of knowledge that still has much to offer, not the least in the Baltic Sea region. The E-SET project suggests that there is a need for more e-learning courses to take advantage of the internet’s capacity to make education more accessible in the region. Also, there is a need to deepen the cooperation between universities in the region for the purpose of knowledge exchange.
The project intends to create e-learning courses that focus on energy, climate and sustainability, challenges that all countries in the Baltic Sea region must deal with. Moreover, the project wants to expand and strengthen the collaboration between universities and develop new networks for teaching and education. This will contribute to knowledge and student exchange between the partner universities. Through the e-learning courses, the project will also promote the universities globally. The E-SET project will arrange meetings, seminars, lectures, and workshops. It will develop rules, requirements, and the structure for the e-course models and create an international team of teachers and experts. It will also promote the e-learning activities of the universities’ partnership.