The EduBalt project focuses on the capacity among teacher education institutions in the Baltic Sea region to teach about sustainability. The project wants schools to become more active to address and resolve local and regional sustainability challenges.
In the future, climate change will impact communities around the world. It is therefore important that schools and teachers educate young people about sustainability. In the Baltic Sea region, however, not all teachers have enough knowledge about sustainability.
The EduBalt project wants to provide teachers in the Baltic Sea region with tools to prepare young people for future climate change challenges. It will be working with an already existing, extensive network of universities and academic teachers in the region. The project will arrange two workshops for teacher trainers, recruited from different universities, to learn more about sustainability. The idea is that they, in turn, will reach other teachers in their countries and help them incorporate sustainability into their curriculums. They will also be the link between different universities in the region. The project will also host a conference on sustainability for teachers from secondary schools. As part of the project, the partners also cooperate with organisations in other countries not mentioned above.