EFFECT4georgia suggests that there are many reasons to promote energy efficiency in the construction sector in Georgia. The sector has enjoyed high growth rates and there are good potentials to produce local materials for construction work. Also, the Georgian government has the ambition to promote energy efficiency in construction, as part of its Green Economy concept. Yet, the country lacks awareness of the value of energy efficiency, according to EFFECT4georgia. In addition, there is a lack of knowledge, among blue collar workers, managers, architects, engineers and other specialists. Therefore, this project wants to share best practices from the EU project EFFECT4building. It argues that this will help Georgian companies to convince policy makers to move in a direction of more sustainable thinking.
The EU project is developing tools for the sector and recommendations for policy makers. The idea of EFFECT4georgia is to present such knowledge and conclusions from the EU project to the Georgian participants. They will be able to test financial tools as well as energy efficiency technology solutions. The public institutions will be invited, and one document of policy recommendations will be presented. Georgia will also be joining the activities of the EU project.