The LFG Baltic project addresses landfill gas, a greenhouse gas that may contribute to the greenhouse effect should the emissions of methane not be handled.
Methane is one of the most important greenhouse gases, it is 34 times more aggressive than carbon dioxide. The concentration of methane in the atmosphere has more than doubled over the last one hundred years, and landfills cause the third largest emissions of methane to the atmosphere. It is possible to handle the emissions, and landfills might even be used as an energy resource. This requires adequate knowledge in gas technologies. The project stresses that the progress of landfill gas technologies varies in the countries in the Baltic Sea region. Hence, more cooperation and exchange of knowledge may be valuable.
The LFG Baltic project aims for the partner countries to learn from each other and take advantage of technological experiences and innovations within the Baltic Sea region, as well as within the countries of the Eastern Partnership. Each partner country will compilate data on landfill gas techniques in their country. The results, including best practices, will be shared and compiled in a report which will be published on the project website. The meetings and seminars will take place in Sweden.