This seed project will create network nodes for understanding gender inequality,
exchanging best practices and mapping actions for gender equality in five localities
in Türkiye. The aim is to build a sustainable network comprised of universities, local
government and NGOs where these actors can identify local priorities for gender
equality and how anti-gender mobilization is manifested in their area. Universities will
serve as the anchor for each network node and provide sustainability for the
continuation of the networks. In addition to Istanbul (Kadir Has University), we
have identified four localities (Çanakkale, Eskişehir, Mardin and Samsun) all of which
are outside of major metropolitan areas to ensure geographical diversity and a
broad reach and understanding of gender (in)equalities and how anti-gender
mobilizations manifest locally in Türkiye. The knowledge gathered from workshops
with local actors will then allow for the development of action plans for equality in
each locality.
Resistance in Anti-Gender Times
Project information
Amount granted:
200 000 kr
Reference no:
Grant recipient: