The SDFRAME project will target universities, business partners and civil society organizations in order to share experiences about how to integrate sustainability principles in the daily work.
To reach the goals of the Paris Agreement, emissions of greenhouse gases need to be halved every decade. SDFRAME emphasizes that this requires rapid changes in society, and that universities and colleges play important roles in the process. For example, the universities contribute through research on climate change and by raising the awareness of new scientific research. However, the countries in the Baltic Sea region, and in the Eastern Partnership countries, are on different stages of integrating sustainability into regular activities at the universities. Therefore, this project wants to share experiences from other projects where sustainability has been integrated and promote a framework for sustainability among institutions in Ukraine and Azerbaijan. SDFRAME will train staff at the institutions and promote activities towards other actors. The target groups are academia, business and civil society. The activities include the establishment of a roadmap on how to set up sustainability offices at all universities, including tools and policies for university management.