The overall theme of the project SIDIH-BSR is digital transformation in the Baltic Sea region. It particularly the project focuses on the European Digital Innovation Hubs and the challenge of these hubs to reach out to all relevant sectors.
The project wants the establish a network of European digital innovation hubs. The purpose is to pave the way for new digital technologies such as AI and cybersecurity. The hubs are established in all countries of the Baltic Sea region, but according to SIDIH-BSR many of them are struggling to operate and finance the hubs. One particular challenge is to reach companies within all sectors as well as public sector organizations. The SIDIH-BSR project stresses that the hubs need to be inclusive in terms of different lines of business as well as gender and diversity. The project will identify the needs for new inclusive working methods and seek to find opportunities for new development projects. SIDIH-BSR will arrange approximately three workshops on the latest research on inclusive methods. It will test at least two inclusive tools and present three case studies. Another goal is to extend the network within the EU and to cooperate with other EU regions and countries.