The project TimeMachine wants to develop the accessibility and visibility of cultural heritage sites in the Baltic Sea region. The idea is to increase the attractiveness of the region.
Recently, the interest in cultural and spiritual tourism has increased, and the countries in the Baltic Sea region have many pre-Christian cultural sites. However, according to TimeMachine, the spiritual, sacred and historical sites in the region are largely unexplored and the potential of these sites is not utilized. Therefore, the project wants to increase the accessibility and information about these places. The countries in the region have a shared cultural heritage and a common cultural identity. Connecting these sites in cross-border cooperation can further help promote the diversity and richness of the region. By strengthening the sense of cultural identity, the project hopes to attract both international and national tourists. The intention of the project is that international cooperation between museums and universities can be used in the preparations of a shared database for cultural places. The project also wants to help authorities and organizations with tourist routes and cultural-educational events.