The Tricolor project wants to increase the use of biomass for sustainable heat or electricity production. At the core of the project are transnational networks through which experience and knowledge will be shared.
Today, the potential of the available bioenergy is not fully used, and the project argues that an increase would favor the climate and create job opportunities. Renewable energy is high on the European agenda and efficient use of woody biomass is a common strategic field of interest in the Baltic Sea region. During the last decades, the traditional use of wood for heating has developed in Sweden, Estonia and Ukraine. Despite this progress, some common challenges remain. They include energy wood supply, information support and business models in biomass and cooperation. To meet these challenges, channels for knowledge sharing and cooperation within the area must be developed.
The project aims to strengthen and expand an existing transnational network. The network will focus on sharing experience to foster the increased use of biomass and to facilitate a transition to a circular economy. Activities that will take place are benchmarking visits, workshops and seminars. A regional model for further collaboration and proposals for follow-up projects will also be developed during the project period.