The Visible Cultheritage project is about preservation and promotion of cultural heritage sites in the Baltic Sea region.
The knowledge of how to preserve cultural heritage is decreasing, and information about protected cultural heritage sites in the Baltic Sea region is scarce. Therefore, there is a need to pass on knowledge of how to preserve historical sites and cooperate to make the sites more visible.
One purpose of the Visible Cultheritage project is to protect and nurture the cultural heritage in the Baltic Sea region. The project also wants the participants to share experiences in order to make cultural heritage sites more accessible to the public. An over-all goal is to develop opportunities for cross-border tourism and explore the joint history of the partner countries. The project will form a network with authorities and organisations in Sweden, Estonia, Poland and Russia. Through this network, the project will share useful methods and pinpoint interesting cultural heritage sites. The project will also promote marketing of the sites through a video that shows the common history of the partner countries.