– It’s more important than ever to share knowledge and to support each other. Digital solutions offer many opportunities and when our alumni connect during times like these, there is great potential for innovative ideas, says Adiam Tedros, head of the Development Programme unit at Swedish Institute.
The purpose of the training is to strengthen the capacity for leaders in civil society to lead remote teams connected to Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. The selected 90 participants from 15 countries have applied to the training with a specific challenge – an idea of a workshop they want to facilitate online, a specific digital activity they want to do or a challenge they now face in their work.
In three 90 minutes sessions, facilitated by Hyper Island, the participants will get different tasks, questions and challenges to work with in smaller groups, larger groups and sometimes individually. They will network, try out a variety of tools and methods and then apply these in their own daily context.
One of the participants is Suhair Muhye Al Deen, based in Jordan, who participated in Swedish Institute’s leadership programme Young Leaders Visitors Programme 2011. She is now working in a regional programme that supports civil society actors and organisations in 10 South Mediterranean countries. The programme has a range of planned activities, such as seminars, consultations and advocacy campaigns, focused on promoting sustainable development through the involvement of civil society organisations in decision and policy-making areas. Many of the activities will now take place online and Suhair expresses the need for this kind of training.
– It is a great opportunity that comes at the right moment for me. I will share these new skills with our community of young leaders, as well as with my colleagues who are based in four different countries.
The training will be held between 15 april-15 may.