Study in Sweden Inspiration Day  

The Study in Sweden team at the Swedish Institute warmly invites staff from Swedish universities and governmental agencies working with international marketing and recruitment to our Inspiration Day in Stockholm on 27 August 2024.

The purpose of our Inspiration Day is to inspire and to support the professional development of those working with international marketing and recruitment in Sweden.

The purpose of our Inspiration Day is to inspire and to support the professional development of those working with international marketing and recruitment in Sweden.

Registration for the Study in Sweden Inspiration Day is closed. If you’d like to inquire about a late registration, please contact [email protected]

Time: 10.00-17.30

Location: Brygghuset, Norrtullsgatan 12n, Stockholm

Room: Bryggarsalen.


09:00-10:00      Breakfast mingle & registration

10:00-10:15      Welcome from Anna Rudels – Head of Sweden Communication at the Swedish Institute

10:15-11:00      Mikki Collins – Content and Experience Designer at Pickle Jar Communications
Using students as social media influencers

11:00-11:30     Fika

11:30-12:15      Mark Bennett – Director of Audience & Insight at Keystone Education Group
International study trends in Sweden (and beyond) – insights from the frontline of student search and discovery

12:15-13:15      Lunch

13:30-14:15      Christian Biller – Brand Manager at the Swedish Institute
Brand Sweden – Harmony or dissonance?

14:15-14:45      Fika

14:45-15:30      Natalie Eriksson – Marketing and Social Media Consultant
Social media as a tool for attracting international students

15:30-15:45      Closing remarks
Closing remarks by Douglas Washburn – Head of the Talent Attraction and Export Promotion Unit at the Swedish Institute

14:45 and onwards – Networking

Meet our speakers:

Mikki Collins

Mikki is a Content and Experience Designer at Pickle Jar Communications. Mikki has a strong social media background in the Higher Education sector and proven award-winning experience for digital content campaigns and projects she has produced.

She previously worked for the University of Chichester as their Digital Content Producer for 5.5 years. In that time, Chichester achieved the number 1 ranked UK University on TikTok in 2022 and 2023, and the Champion of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in content at the ContentEd awards for the final series of the University’s podcast all about minority groups.

She has presented at different education conferences for her TikTok framework, award-winning podcast series and turning digital student ambassadors into influencers organised by groups such as UUK, UniBuddy and Times Higher Education.

Mark Bennett

Dr Mark Bennett is a Director of Audience & Insight at Keystone Education Group, a global education marketing and recruitment partner with a head office in Stockholm. Mark is responsible for managing Keystone’s unique portfolio of higher education insights, using a mix of longitudinal audience surveys and highly scaled search behaviour to reveal how, where and why audiences seek education both domestically and abroad.

Mark is a regular speaker at various sector events, including the North American Association for Graduate Enrollment Management (NAGAP), the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), the UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE), the CASE University Marketing Forum and various others. He holds a PhD from the University of Sheffield and lives in the UK.

Christian Biller

Christian Biller is a brand strategist at the Swedish Institute (SI). Christian has worked at SI with marketing and communication about Sweden since 2007. Christian has, among other things, been involved in developing the communication concept “Pioneer the Possible”, which aims to strengthen Sweden’s position in export and investment promotion.

He is currently part of the Unit for Sweden Image Analysis at the Swedish Institute, where he has a special responsibility for issues related to: export, investment and talent attraction, Sweden’s overall brand strategy and Sweden’s visual identity.

Natalie Eriksson

Natalie Eriksson is a social media expert and trainer with extensive experience in the field. She has worked in agencies, communications departments, as an independent consultant and as the founder of a training company focusing on social media marketing. Her past and present clients include Swish, Elevera Education Group, SEB, Sweden for UNHCR, Samsung and the Church of Sweden. Natalie is a regular voice in the media where she often speaks out on social media issues.

Contact person:

Linnea Lindgren

[email protected]