Woodlife Business

Woodlife Business is an initiative designed to forge connections between international stakeholders in partner countries and Sweden's vibrant private sector in the fields of mass timber construction and commercial forestry. The initiative sets out to leverage Sweden’s expertise in these domains, and contribute to sustainable development and the global green transition.

A 2024 pilot: Connecting East Africa and Sweden
In 2024, SI is launching a pilot Woodlife Business initiative with the aim to strengthen partnership between Sweden and East African nations. By connecting East African stakeholders with innovative Swedish actors within sustainable forestry and wood construction, the pilot will offer capacity building knowledge exchange and networking around innovative industrial practices that are both environmentally sound and economically viable.

Pilot outline
The 2024 pilot will engage participants from East Africa, leading up to a high-level summit in Sweden, September 2-6, 2024. During the week, participants will engage with Swedish experts through meetings and site visits, gaining a practical understanding of advanced technologies and methods. The engagement is designed to inspire discussions on potential collaborations and technology transfers that could benefit East Africa’s forestry and construction sectors.

Woodlife Business is a business oriented extension of the Woodlife Sweden concept.
The 2024 pilot is organised by SI in partnership with the Swedish Embassy in Nairobi. 

Contact information: 

Swedish Embassy in Nairobi: mutheu.mbondo(at)gov.se
SI contact: filippa.malmegard(at)si.se