“Education in Sweden has given me new perspectives, broadened my horizons and strengthened my beliefs for the better future.”

Leyla Gasimova Rasul, from Azerbaijan, completed her master’s studies in Nordic Welfare at Halmstad University in June. Here, she talks about her experience.
Previous SI scholarship holder Leyla

Before coming to Sweden, I have been running peace-building activities on international level. The activities are related to the environment’s and women’s role in peace building.

I was looking for education on the theme related to peace building, so I researched it. According to my research, Sweden is ranked high globally in terms of inclusive society, women’s role in society and trust. In addition, my home country shows a great interest in the Nordic structure. My aim is to promote peace, democracy and tolerance, to influence the behaviours of individuals, especially young generations, to help build the conditions needed for a lasting peace and democracy. By protecting human rights, supporting tolerance and empowering youth, we can build a better living environment throughout the world. The social structure in the Nordic states is what I was interested in. That’s why I chose to take my master’s in Nordic Welfare in Sweden.

Now I am honoured to say that the studies in Sweden gave me valuable knowledge about the structure of the social system in Nordic states. I learned the societal challenges the Nordic countries faced in the past and how they have overcome the difficult situations by the unified social will and effort. I believe the Nordic model can be applicable for all developing countries, because this is the structure that enables everyone’s rights get respected, protected and included. I also got to experience, as an insider, women’s rights in an equal and inclusive society. Women’s active role in society is not any threat to men, and women here also prove that women are as capable as men to take good care of the society. Education in Sweden has given me new perspectives, broadened my horizons and strengthened my beliefs for a better future.

I highly recommend Sweden for education. It is a country with high-quality education, impressive culture and high-moral citizens. Through the education and SI scholarships, you will not only get valuable professional skills, but also achieve personal development. I was also amazed by the great care the people give to the environment – it’s green peace in practice and it inspires everyone. In addition, if you are interested in truly knowing and understanding the culture, the values and the democratic practices in Sweden, you must be here, live here and feel it personally.

In the future I would like to see myself being active in the field of international politics, perhaps working shoulder to shoulder with Swedes, to empower women in less developed countries, for a more peaceful and democratic world.

Find out more about the SI scholarships.