Läs mer om “Urban Vibes Level 2”
Datum: 1 apr 2017 - 31 dec 2017
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: Children, Dance, Disability, Music, Youth
Länder: Moldova, Ukraine
Topic: Children
Läs mer om “Children and youths – local democracy through school of Arts/Art Center”
Datum: 1 maj 2016 - 31 dec 2016
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: Art, Children, Culture, Youth
Länder: Rwanda
Children and youths – local democracy through school of Arts/Art Center
Läs mer om “Establishing a creative child centre in Jenin refugee camp, Palestine”
Datum: 1 apr 2016 - 28 feb 2018
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: Children, Culture
Länder: Palestine
Establishing a creative child centre in Jenin refugee camp, Palestine
Läs mer om “Play for the future”
Datum: 31 mar 2016 - 31 okt 2017
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: Art, Children
Länder: Russian Federation
Play for the future
Läs mer om “Children’s Book Project”
Datum: 1 feb 2016 - 8 maj 2016
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: Children, Literature
Länder: Tanzania