Läs mer om “Art Educational Exchange: an initiative for art pedagogical exchange between Turkey and Sweden”
Datum: 15 maj 2014 - 25 jun 2014
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: Art, Children, Education
Länder: Türkiye
Topic: Children
Läs mer om “Breaking barriers – building bridges”
Datum: 15 maj 2014 - 30 nov 2015
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: Children, Culture, Disability, Youth
Länder: Rwanda
Breaking barriers – building bridges
Läs mer om “Building Bricks – children, youth and women and cultural heritage in Mardin”
Datum: 1 apr 2014 - 1 okt 2014
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: Children, Cultural heritage, Gender equality, Museum, Youth
Länder: Türkiye
Building Bricks – children, youth and women and cultural heritage in Mardin
Läs mer om “Waiting in the Margins (Phase 1)”
Datum: 1 apr 2014 - 31 dec 2014
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: Art, Children, Dance, Theatre, Youth
Länder: Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine
Waiting in the Margins (Phase 1)
Läs mer om “Children’s Book Festival in Dar es Salaam”
Datum: 1 apr 2014 - 30 jun 2014
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: Children, Literature
Länder: Tanzania