Läs mer om “BSPonEE: Baltic Sea Partnership On Energy Efficiency”
Datum: 1 sep 2020 - 1 jan 2022
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Climate, Energy, Environment
Länder: Germany, Latvia, Poland
Topic: Environment
Läs mer om “RouteCCS; Routing Deployment of Carbon Capture, Use and Storage in the Baltic Sea Region”
Datum: 1 sep 2020 - 31 okt 2021
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Climate, Energy, Environment
Länder: Estonia, Finland, Poland
RouteCCS; Routing Deployment of Carbon Capture, Use and Storage in the Baltic Sea Region
Läs mer om “CommonAct; Common communication strategies for sustainable actions and energy efficiency in the BSR”
Datum: 1 sep 2020 - 30 nov 2021
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Energy, Environment, Social media
Länder: Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland
CommonAct; Common communication strategies for sustainable actions and energy efficiency in the BSR
Läs mer om “ChYResilience; The role of children and youth in building a resilient society”
Datum: 1 sep 2020 - 1 dec 2021
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Children, Environment, Security, Youth
Länder: Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Poland
ChYResilience; The role of children and youth in building a resilient society
Läs mer om “IntAG2030; Implementing the Agenda 2030 in organisations”
Datum: 10 aug 2020 - 31 dec 2021
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Climate, Energy, Environment, Social issues
Länder: Estonia, Latvia