Läs mer om “BWC 2.0; Baltic Wool Cooperation – 2.0”
Datum: 1 jul 2020 - 31 dec 2021
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Business, Climate, Entrepreneurship, Environment
Länder: Estonia, Poland
Topic: Environment
Läs mer om “NordBaltMAP; Networking and knowledge exchange in seed production of medicinal- and aromatic plants”
Datum: 30 nov 2019 - 31 maj 2021
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Climate, Environment, Food, Health
Länder: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland
NordBaltMAP; Networking and knowledge exchange in seed production of medicinal- and aromatic plants
Läs mer om “Goby fishing; A new resource? Investigating potential of commercial fishing of round goby the Baltic Sea”
Datum: 16 sep 2019 - 16 sep 2020
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Circular economy, Environment, Maritime issues
Länder: Denmark, Latvia, Poland
Goby fishing; A new resource? Investigating potential of commercial fishing of round goby the Baltic Sea
Läs mer om “EFFECT4georgia: Effective Tools for Energy Efficiency in cooperation with Georgia”
Datum: 1 sep 2019 - 31 dec 2020
Program: Baltic Sea region third country participation
Ämnen: Climate, Energy, Environment, Innovation
Länder: Georgia
EFFECT4georgia: Effective Tools for Energy Efficiency in cooperation with Georgia
Läs mer om “SCBD; Sustainable Cross-border Destinations”
Datum: 1 sep 2019 - 31 dec 2020
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Environment, Tourism, Waste
Länder: Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine