Läs mer om “Baltic LINes-RU: Integrating the Russian perspective into Baltic LINes”
Datum: 21 nov 2016 - 1 mar 2019
Program: Baltic Sea region third country participation
Ämnen: Environment, Transport
Länder: Russian Federation
Topic: Environment
Baltic LINes-RU is connected to Baltic LINes, an EU project funded by the Intereg Baltic Sea Region programme. The Baltic LINes project wants to increase coherence of shipping routes and energy corridors in the Baltic Sea region.
Läs mer om “CONSUME; Consumer Guides for Sustainably Produced Meat in the Baltic Sea Region”
Datum: 1 nov 2016 - 31 mar 2018
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Environment, Food
Länder: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
CONSUME; Consumer Guides for Sustainably Produced Meat in the Baltic Sea Region
Läs mer om “EduBalt; Developing Capacity for teaching sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region”
Datum: 1 nov 2016 - 31 dec 2017
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Education, Environment, Youth
Länder: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
EduBalt; Developing Capacity for teaching sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region
Läs mer om “Accelerator; Baltic Sea Accelerators: Pioneers for better pollution monitoring and reporting”
Datum: 1 okt 2016 - 1 mar 2018
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Environment, Maritime issues
Länder: Lithuania, Poland
Accelerator; Baltic Sea Accelerators: Pioneers for better pollution monitoring and reporting
Läs mer om “Robota 16: Industry and environment in northwest Russia”
Datum: 1 okt 2016 - 31 okt 2016
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: Environment, Journalism, Media
Länder: Russian Federation