Läs mer om “DIGITALIS; DevelopInG a dIgiTAL monitorIng System for optimal marine conservation effort”
Datum: 1 sep 2021 - 31 dec 2022
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Environment, Maritime issues
Länder: Estonia, Germany, Poland
Topic: Maritime issues
Läs mer om “BALTEEL-RECO; Baltic Sea eel recovery from an ecosystem perspective”
Datum: 1 sep 2021 - 31 dec 2022
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Environment, Maritime issues
Länder: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
BALTEEL-RECO; Baltic Sea eel recovery from an ecosystem perspective
Läs mer om “EnvTI BSR; Environmental Transparency – International Cooperation for the Baltic Sea Region”
Datum: 1 aug 2021 - 30 nov 2022
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Environment, Maritime issues
Länder: Estonia, Russian Federation
EnvTI BSR; Environmental Transparency – International Cooperation for the Baltic Sea Region
Läs mer om “REHAZE; Reduced inflows of hazardous substances from landfills into the Baltic Sea”
Datum: 2 nov 2020 - 30 apr 2022
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Environment, Health, Maritime issues, Waste
Länder: Estonia, Finland, Latvia
REHAZE; Reduced inflows of hazardous substances from landfills into the Baltic Sea
Läs mer om “BSB; Baltic Sustainable Boating”
Datum: 1 sep 2020 - 1 sep 2021
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Business, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Maritime issues, Tourism
Länder: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russian Federation