Läs mer om “CommonAct; Common communication strategies for sustainable actions and energy efficiency in the BSR”
Datum: 1 sep 2020 - 30 nov 2021
Program: Baltic Sea region seed funding
Ämnen: Energy, Environment, Social media
Länder: Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland
Topic: Social media
Läs mer om “Re-Opening the Space”
Datum: 1 jun 2020 - 31 jul 2021
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: ICT, Media, Social media
Länder: Zambia
Re-Opening the Space
Läs mer om “1325 Women of Turkey”
Datum: 1 maj 2020 - 30 apr 2021
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: Gender equality, Social media
Länder: Türkiye
1325 Women of Turkey
Läs mer om “”Feminism matters”- using film and social media to promote gender equality”
Datum: 1 apr 2019 - 30 apr 2020
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: Film, Gender equality, Social media
Länder: Kenya
”Feminism matters”- using film and social media to promote gender equality
Läs mer om “ONE MINUTE”
Datum: 1 okt 2018 - 30 sep 2019
Program: Creative Force
Ämnen: Social media, Youth
Länder: Uganda